These are the questions that I would want my friends to answer. I have asked them (most of them) on my previous friends, but it seems I am more of a foreigner here because of my intense feeling of paranoia. I don't know but as much as I want to tell them something, I couldn't someone enough courage and trust because I'm thinking that they won't like what i say and might exacerbate the friendship situation. Maybe, they don't like me being too seious or too emotional because they barely know me or because they haven't accepted or acknowloedged me as their friend (the absolute definition of the word, deep down, no pretentions). So, I end up keeping things to myself and ignoring my feelings. I know, it'll take time for us to really be friends. I KNOW, okay. The thought is painful and lonely enough.
Well, here's the list:
Please, I ask you to look me in the eye and answer me candidly.
Are you really my friend? (This is my way of finding out if you are lying or something)
Do you want something about me that you want to be changed? (One's answer will tell me about how he/she thinks about me)
Do you trust me?
Do you love me (as your friend)?
Can I tell you my secrets?
Can you protect me?
Can I trust you?
Are you comfortable with me?
Are you bored when you're with me?
Am I am bad listener?
Am I too boring or weird to possibly be your "friend"?
Will you DIE for me? (if i ask you this, it means I am willing to give mine for yours)
I know it won't be answered till about a year and till then i will have to depend on my knowledge of body language (extremely limited) and so far, I don't like the results that much. I hope I'm wrong. Too bad cause I already love you. . .
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